You can be inspired by yoga even if you don't practice it, right? Well, when I found these wonderful "Fatima's" and stamp work and coins from Turkey I just had to do something with them to balance my chakra's. I even wore "Fatima" inspired turquoise jewelry for my wedding. ( The beautiful peices Im wearing are from a wonderful designer named Becky Kelso.)
Tourmaline increases flexibility, happiness, objectivity, senserity and compassion. It enhances tolerance and understanding. It is a very protecting stone and is associated with the heart chakra where it opens one to accept love.
Carnelian is a stone of creativity, individuality, and courage. Like all agates it provides protection, can aid memory, and help one in finding the right mate. It is a stone of protection from anger, jealousy, and fear, can help with the manifestation of one's desires, and bring good luck. It is associated with the root and sacral chakra's.
Labradorite is considered to be a stone of transformation. It is said to clear, balance, and protect the aura. It helps provide clarity and insight into your destiny, attract success, reduce stress and anxiety and provide mental illumination. It is associated with the solar plexus and brow chakra's.